Set during a “live broadcast” of a fictional, long-running TV game show, GAME SHOW places the theater audience in the role of the TV studio audience, in which members are picked as the contestants to play the trivia-based game and win actual prizes. In addition to watching and playing during the “broadcast” – where anything can and does happen – the audience also witnesses all the backstage, back-stabbing antics “behind the scenes” that go on during the “commercial breaks” of GAME SHOW.
Casting & Production
1F, 7M
Orchestral Information
A CD containing the GAME SHOW Theme Song and all SFX is included.
Written by Jeffrey Finn and Bob Walton
Based on an idea by Jeffrey Finn
Theme Song and incidental music by Bob Walton
Upcoming Productions
Jan 04 – 05, 2025 Manic Productions Bonymaen