The Tempest

90 minutes
Musical Drama
2f, 9m, ensemble
Best for Schools, Community & pro theatres


Marooned and left to die on a remote island, Prospero can command spirits, create apparitions and manipulate the elements. By using his magic, he assembles his enemies to take revenge on them, and in the process awakens in Miranda, his teenage daughter, her first experience of love. Conceived and directed by Public Works Director, Lear deBessonet, the premiere production of THE TEMPEST showcased 200 New Yorkers from all five boroughs, who shared the stage with professional actors and community partners.

Casting & Production


Prospero, the rightful duke of Milan. After his brother, Antonio, seized his title and property, Prospero was exiled with his daughter and eventually found refuge on an island.

Miranda, Prospero’s daughter. She has been on the island with her father for 12 years ó since she was 3 years old.

Antonio, Prospero’s younger brother, who is now the duke of Milan. He had plotted against Prospero years earlier and now convinces Sebastian to murder his brother, the king of Naples.

Ariel, a spirit of the air. He assists Prospero in seeking retribution over his enemies.

Caliban, the offspring of the witch Sycorax and the devil. Prospero has made Caliban his servant or slave, and in response, Caliban plots to murder Prospero.

Ferdinand, the son of the king of Naples. During the storm, he was separated from the rest of the king’s party, met Miranda, and fell in love with her.

Alonsa: The Queen of Naples. She believes her son has died and is overjoyed later to find him. Alonsa is repentant for the pain she caused Prospero in the past. Sebastia: Alonsa’s sister. She is easily led into planning her own sister’s (the queen’s) murder.

Gonzalo, an elderly counselor who saves Prospero’s and Miranda’s lives when they are exiled. He provides a sense of hope and optimism when Ferdinand is lost.

Stefano, the king’s butler. He arrives on the island drunk and quickly becomes involved in a plot to murder Prospero.

Trinculo, the king’s jester. When Stefano arrives with wine, Trinculo joins him in drinking and then agrees to a plot to murder Prospero.

Boatswain, the ship’s petty officer. He is in charge of the deck crew, the rigging, and the anchor. He must try to keep the boat afloat during the storm, even when the king’s party makes demands upon his time.

Ensemble/Chorus: Mariners, Nymphs, Other Spirits attending on Prospero

Orchestral Information

5 Musicians:

Keyboard 1/Guitar 1 (Conductor)

Keyboard 2

Guitar 2 (Electric, Acoustic)

Bass (Electric)

Percussion (Drum Set, tambourine, cymbal, Crash Cymbal, snare, toms, shaker, hi-hat, mark tree, maraca)




adaptation/music/new lyrics by TODD ALMOND

conceived by and directed by LEAR DEBESSONET

Originally commissioned and produced by The Public Theatre

Oskar Eustis, Artistic Director

Patrick Willingham, Executive Director


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